Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mr Karamanlis Is Here!

Mr Karamanlis visited Thessaloniki today, to attend the opening ceremony of the 74th ΔΕΘ(International Thessaloniki Trading Exhibition) and have a speech about the upcoming elections he announced a few days ago(read what he said: The city center is guarded by 2500 policemen but what about eastern Thessaloniki(I live in Harilaou)? Well, I was taking a bath(why does everything happen when I'm relaxing, remember the outrageous storm? when I heard a bang!''Oh, it's probably another storm bursting!'' But it was a molotov bomb thrown by a couple of anarchists around 20:00pm. Agrotiki Bank and Millenium Bank were burst into flames(they are two blocks away thus I could smell it LOL) and were completely damaged. Fortunatelly, no people were hurt or lost their properties! And the worst is that my mother gets her salary by Agrotiki Bank! Money makes the world go round!

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