Friday, September 18, 2009

''Need For Speed Is Back Baby!'' I wrote But I Was Wrong! NFS Will NEVER NEVER Be The Same Again!!!!!!!

After reading lots of reviews, giving Need For Speed Shit, er Shift, a rather positive score(7-9), I was really happy and expected this to be at least far better than the previous installments. But I was misleaded by:
1)The breathtaking videos, showing a flawless, full of action game
2)Vaughn Gittin JR and his words on the game(that's what he's paid for though!)
3)By the words of players who tried it
So, probably, EA has released two versions: one glamorous, great looking and running versions for both reviewers and presentation at gaming exhibitions and one for buyers which is crappy looking and unefficiently working.

My personal problems:
1)The game is unplayable as it always crashes to the desktop withing a few seconds of playing.
2)When I manage to play a race or two without crashes, the sky has no textures(at least I have night racing too) and the framerate is awful!
3)There are hundreds of bugs, including:

This game could be perfect! This game could bring the series back on the road(as I had written on another post, before playing this) but it doesn't!

1 comment:

Moutlas Antonios said...

ax ponemeni istoria kostaki....:(