It all started last year, when I was experimenting with my Ubroadcast Radio Manager account. The idea of broadcasting live seemed splendid. But it was impossible to make this thing work(even when I managed to, I came across some stange bugs etc), so I decided to start with my station's ''website'' first.
The title of this blog is quite simple: My city(Thessaloniki), the kind of music I like and you will listen during my shows and my age(5/93) in reverse! thessalonikirock935.blogspot.com! At first, the purpose of this blog was to info about the station's program, announcements for the shows etc. I made a commercial for the station with the sims too.( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlBfM1Cfz48 THE BEST VOICEOVER EVER!!! LOL!)
Then, the first rock music news were posted. A few weeks later, I wrote my first personal thoughts article on how I spend the 28th of October( http://thessalonikirock935.blogspot.com/2008/10/thessaloniki-parade-2008.html ). During Christmas, postes a summary of the ''WELL AND BAD MOMENTS IN 2008''. I also wrote two articles for Easter and Holidays(Athens/Skiathos) plus many personal opinion ones about my city, Greece or school. What is more, this blog's desing has changed two times!
Now there are almos 460 articles for you to read. As I've said lots of times before, most of them are taken from a variety of sites and reffer to many topics including world news, music news, strange happenings and some articles written by me.
Unfortunatelly, I'm not extremelly familiar with English, so my writing is rather basic and that's why I use other sites' articles. It would be difficult for me to write about exonomy for example, in English.
That's all guys! I hope this blog is(or will be) your everyday ''newspaper'', so that instead of searching around google and yahoo for everyday's article, visiting Thessaloniki Rock will give you all the information you need. Just relax and let me be your personal journalist(I would adore to study journalism in university)! I will be back with new shows reallly soon!!! Thank you for supporting me!
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