Sunday, May 31, 2009

Anti-smoking Day...

A whole day without smoking! It seems impossible for some people, including teens! It's reported that everyday, 3000 young people from all over the world start smoking. I can really see this, when I decide to...''visit'' the toilets. Lots of silly dudes hiding and destroying their health!
Why? Because you want others to respect you? Smoking is really normal these days that it doesn't make you special! Take it off your pockets! Stop ruining your life! You can do it!(with help of course, because only the 4% of smokers can quit without support).

Smoking in public areas will be forbidden here in Greece, on July the 1st. But are we ready to quit? I think no! How can we accept''NO SMOKING?'' when we don't care about the guys sitting next to us at the train or cafe when smoking? We are closeminded as usual! But anyway, I only can hope...

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