Monday, May 11, 2009

Liverpool Cathedral Bells To Play John Lennon's 'Imagine'

Bell ringers at Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral are set to play John Lennon's 'Imagine' this Saturday (May 16), as part of the city's arts festival.

Lennon labelling 'Imagine'"anti-religious", the song will be able to be heard throughout Liverpoolthree times on Saturday - at 12:00pm (GMT), 12:30pm and 13:30pm.

A spokesperson for the cathedral said that the song's lyrics - which include "
Imagine there's no heaven" - had been carefully considered before allowing the stunt to go ahead.

'Imagine' to be pealed on our bells does not mean we agree with the song lyric," the spokesperson said. "But we recognise its power to make us think. As a cathedral we do not shrink from debate. We recognise the existence of other world views."

Yoko Ono said that the idea was "so beautiful, it made me choke up", reports BBC News.

Eight volunteer bell ringers will play the song. They are learning the song on hand bells prior to playing the track on the cathedral's Anglican bells.

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