Friday, June 5, 2009

5th Of June? The Enviroment Day? Where Is The Difference?

The alarm clock rung... Driing! Yaun! It's the enviroment day, 5th of June! I opened my window. Where is the difference? The air smells like gas, there is a huge traffic jam under my house, mr X. washes his backyard for more than 15 minutes, so, what has changed? Hmmm, maybe the promises. Turned on the TV. Saw mr Karamanlis,the prime minister of Greece, concecrating the Psitalia sewage edit factory, talking about the huge envromental improvement. ''Earth needs actions, not words! And we are acting!''he shouted.
Maybe I should remind him some facts...

1)Thousands of trees are burnt every summer
2)There are not enough water saving and cleaning projects planned for the future
3)More than 90 full, uncontrolled dumps, only near Thessaloniki
4) Aliakmonas river is actually a sump, not a river
5) Greece is one of the 4 countries that obey to Kyoto, but still not enough
6)Most garbage seperating ladnfills do not work right
7) Lots of shores and beaches that should be free for anyone, are exploited illegally
8)The Artemis temple looks like an abandoned craveyard!
9)Living in big cities is a nightmare! Lack of trees, heat, exaust, dirt!
These are only a few examples that prove: Mr Karamnlis, you have to think again about actions!

''Only ten years left!'' warn the scientists.''Otherwise, the effects will destroy!''
After all these I have two questions...

1- How did we have the skill to ruin the 5billion years old planet in a few decades?
2-How's life gonna be in twenty years if we don't change our minds?

An Inconvenient Truth from Davis Guggenheim
HOME, from Yann Arthus Bertrand(premiere today on youtube, official site, TV, cinemas and DVD- you won't be able to miss it!)

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